
sis your poem is so awesome.. you might have been emo-tional but thts how some of the greatest poetry starts . youhave a good future ahead of you as a song writer/ poet =]
in class we had to write a poem in our blogs. Heres the one i did
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years
you took them all away from me
stripped me of my freedom
enjoyed seeing me in pain
How could you be so Cruel?
no matter wht u put me through i wont cry
i will be strong, i will stand tall
i will never give up, i will never try gettin revenge
i will never sink down to your level
so go ahead laugh it out
but in the end i will win.
- ash =]
Ash Ev @ 7:01 PM

Poem : Experienced Sober .
Nobody knows , neither me ,
That they had to go through this level ,
Unless They're been told ; and prepared .
I can't make everyday a Happy Life ,
I'd try my best to , but it seems all the same ,
A BitterSweet life .
I feel all alone , in the dark side ,
with fear and pain , i lose hope in this moment ,
I can't suffer this anymore ,
Although i screamed out loud ,
nobody listens , nobody's there .
Ash Ev @ 4:09 AM

im writting a book O.O
lol ..i started writing a book a while ago . but then some things happened so i stopped... i figured i would startanother book then go back to the first one but im not sure if my idea is a good one.... Its about thi girl in the 7th grade shes in history 5th period bd the school gets a new student. so she helps him with the work. then finds out hes in her classes so she decided to show him around and try to get to know him better. After a month she ends up falling in love with the guy nd she doesnt say anything. She doesnt want to ruin her friendship with him so they just become extremly close friends. The work on their homework together, txt each other, gossip, and just have nice conversations.Things got better nd they got closer over the year. Then in 8th grade this other guy asks her out in front of him. She wanted to be nice so she told him she would think about it. Then on the walk home he told her tht he noticed he never saw her go out with anybody so he says tht she should say yes to the guy. feeling broken hearted she starts tearing up and runs her way to the library with him following her. he asks whts wrong and she sucks up her tears and smiles and tells him nothing. Then on the way home she passes out. He catches her in his arms. When she opens her eyes hes who she sees. He asked her if she was okay nd she started to cry then she noticing shes in his arms. She leans in and kisses him with tears dripping her face. Feeling confused she tells him sorry then runs away to her house. When the get back to school tey arent tlking. Their friends notice and try to find out about it. So the girl goes to the nurse hoping to avoid him. But the nurse notices something really wrong with her breathing patterns. She gives her a doctor referal then calls her mom to pick her up. Then at the doctors she finds out she needs lung surgery. If they mess up she will die if they do it right shes gunna have to be in the hospital for 2 months. her parents sign the papers for the sugery. the day ater tht she goes to schol telling her friends tht shes gunna get surgey and tht if it doesnt turn out right she loves them all and tht they shouldnt worry bout it . On her way out of school she sees him staring at her . her eyes start to tear, she tries to run away from him knowing tht it would just make it harder for her to breathe. She runs and runs, hes following her telling her to stop and to listen to him but she doesnt. then she feels the pain in her chest and she collapses . her picks her up from the floor and notices her breathing is starting to stop ... he starts crying nd he confesses his love to her .. she barely opens her eyes. nd he gives her a kiss ... then she everything went black. she wonderd why she felt pain if she was dead. The she opens her eyes .. he mom rejoices hugs her tightly and she asks how long its been. Her mom says its been 4 months. if its been tht long he must have found someone by now, she thought.. Then she said she wish her dream would come back to her. She wanted to feel his lips meeting hers, hear his words, but she knows tht it was a dream. She thought tht he couldnt possibablly love someone like her. She after 3 weeks in the hospital they say its okay to go home and tht she should stay out of P.E. for awhile. She simply nods. they when she gets to school all her friends surround her hugging her and teling them how scared they were tht they wouldnt have her in their lives anymore. She feels sad for mking them worry. Her friends gossip with her a bit and they tell her how while she was in the hospital they think tht HE started to like this girl .on her way to the office to check back ino school. she sees him. he doesnt notice her. she grabs him in a hug from behind. then releases him and apologizes. She said thank you to him for saving her life, but tht she was sorry she kissed him against his will. She siad im sure you would have liked your first kiss to be with someone you like more than just a friend. Then he says if she remembered anything aftr she collapsed. she said no but she had a dream tht he said he loved her and after he said tht he kissed her but she said tht was just her wishful thinking. then she starts to walk off after tellinghim and he grabs her wrist. then tells her it was all true ..all of it.. he really did love her. Tears stared rolling down her face then he pulls her close to him for a tight hug.then he leans down and gives her a kiss. Then in the end they end up together.. HAppily ever after...
im not sure if its a good idea for a book.. let me know wht you think.
Ash Ev @ 1:22 AM

Dnt Worry Sis
Sis its okay .. its just a phase. Nd dont worry your not alone on this, i feel the same. Ive been feeling incredibly moody nd isolated but things get better. Its only tht are love sick XD.. jk jk um i dnt know why but as long as we got each other im sure we will get through this =]
love ya sis
Ash Ev @ 10:59 PM