New Semester

im in 9th grade and im in diffrent classes than my friends. Im in advanced placement classes and my friends are in regular courses. Im a shy person so i really have no one to talk to. But in Biology class the teacher made seating arrangments and i got moved to another table.
The girl tht got moved next to me was very very niceand asked if we could be friends. I said yes and we got along so well. We liked most of the same stuff and she introduced me to people in the class. I made new friends thxs to her. We always worked together on the project work and it was fun. But the day before break she moved..=[ But i have her number and myspace(i hate myspace but my friend made it for me) so we could still glad but im going to miss her lotz.
for second semester im going to have my classes changed. i hope tht i get the same P.E. class as my friend.
I will always remember you Angela!!! ^.^

Ash Ev @ 7:01 PM