
aww .. sis i feel really bad for you .. if u told me to guess and tht i know him i would say he was my bro andrew... no joke u just explained my boy perfectly .. um is he your bro??
im not sure but sis i dont want to be mean or anything and change the subject but i have really good news.... i have enough money for me to go to visit you or you could come visit me ... XD
maybe if your parents are alright with it..... we could either have me stay at your place for a bit (sorry but im not old enough to get a hotel room) or you could come stay here =]
maybe if i work a bit harder u could even invite a parent to come with you if u want or i could just go there( sorry again but my mom isnt tht into flying .lol)
+ ash
Ash Ev @ 6:23 PM