xx do you two talk to eachother ?!? because if so you could just talk to him a lot ..nd let him get to see the awesome person you are ...
xx are you two in the same class ?!? because if you are then you could ask for help studing or ask if you could study with him for a test and it would totally be inoccent (。◕‿~。) but you could do this even if you aren't in the same class
- body language
xx if he likes you, you may see that he turns his back on you, leans toward you, and also looks at you a lot
- eye contact
xx if he likes you he'll try to catch your eye and hold it( if you feel you held eye contact longer than you normally would .. or if he looks away quickly
- listen to what he's saying
xx when a guy likes you he will try to seem impressive to youxx if he likes you and he's nervous he might start talking bout himself
** many guys feel the need to prove themselves, esspeacily if you talk about another guy when your with him
- be aware of touching
xx he might put his arm around you when he laughs, or not move his leg when happens to touch yours, or he may hug you for small things
- watch for him showing interest in things you like and do
xx for example, if you like a certain genre of music that he likes as well, he may suggest artist or bands for you to listen to
xx example, if you play sports, he may ask to play against you just to show off that he's good at something you both like and then have a reason to compliment you as well
- notice the way he treats you
xx does he playfully tease you, or call you names, just to try and get your attention ?!?
xx its natural for a guy to tease a girl he likes but sometimes guys tease just for no reason, and sometimes guys dont like to tease
- check for signs of nervousness
xx nervous laughter, sweaty palms, fidgiting, looking away quickly when you notice if he is watching you are all ways to tell if he is attracted toward you...also notice if you call his name , does his head snap around right away or does it turn gradually?
- smile
xx a big smile in return is a good sign..see if he always ends up in the same part of the room as you; perhaps he goes out of his way to bump into you and if he flashes his smile in your direction then flash a quick smile back to avoid blushing
- pay attention around his friends
xx if they know he's into you, they might tease him when your around, hint to you that he likes you, or try to find out if you like him.
xx Study their reactions to your presence. Do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that makes you think they know something you dont? Maybe when they dare him in games of truth or dare, it always has something to do with you. If so they know that he really likes you.
- be open
xx give him room to approach you and talk to you, it can ruin the situation if he doesnt have the chance to do so
xx for example, he wont approach you if your friends are giggling in the backround, or you are never on your own.
- pay attention to how many times he uses your name
xx if you talk to him often, see how many times he uses your first name..people tend to use your name to get your attention ,and it shows that they think about you!
xx for example. you say something he says "ha ha ,nice (your name) -angela- " it means he thinks about what he says than repling with "ha ha nice" .. if he just says "ha ha, nice" it doesnt mean he doesnt like you , but its sometimes a tell-tale sign
- notice his behavior in conversation
xx sometimes when guys ask you questions and other people distract the conversation or cut him off, he will just forget about it...if you notice that he keeps asking or changing the subject till you answer , then he may like you or it can be out of curiosity XD