My 1J Buddies.

Sis ash what a touching story ,& I feel sorry for you & your friend =[.Surely hope things go ok and you get back your buddy =]
Talkin' 'bout your friends,you reminded mine. I'm form 2 next year,in the 9th grade i guess.
When i was in the 8th grade,i was in class 1J,i made a few good friends,& friends. I have a best friend there ,her names leelee, we both we're very close and we share secrets together too =P And i have other friends, e.g Jessica,ChiaYee,SueAnn,CheeMin,Rachel,shin yee and others =D Although i don't talk much with them,they're still my friends & i guess we're a Big Family :]
On next year Jan 05 , the teachers seperate us to each classes, I'd really miss them D: Eventhough..
I'd just have a sad and uncomfortable feelings that i cannot discribe. We couldn't stick forever thought , but we're friends forever in our heart right ^.^ [When my friend, you read this,i hope you'll remember me Angela,forever ^_^]
Tks for reading.
Ash Ev @ 9:24 PM

Ev its okay people do have crazy dreams . i dont dream but when i do dream it always has me waking up screaming in terror or weirded out of my mind.
my friends are leaving me behind. they want almmost nothing to do with me. im okay with tht but not with the reasons their leaving me for. One of my friends left me because she got this boyfriend. And he had sex with her twice. She got mad at me because when i found out i told her to stop. Shes only 14 so its wrong. Plus hes her ex-boyfriend. I found out because i was at one of my friends houses and she asked me to answer the text message so i did. And it was her saying he had sex with her twice . 1 time was at his house and the 2nd time was at her house while her parents were away and her sister was at a sleepover. I didnt answer i just gave the phone to my friend. i guess she noticed something diffrent with me and asked if i was okay. I was not okay so i lied(which i hate) and told her i was fine. Then she texted me on my phone and it said hi! whts up hi! whts up? watcha doin? i answered she telling her about the party i went to the day before which i wasnt so proud of(i will blog bout this party anouther time). she gasped telling me off. i just let her and then she said I was a bad influence. I got mad but didnt say anything to her. At school i normally tlk to her but she ignored me. Then all of her friends ignored me so i left to the libray to think it off. I found a book and just started reading. let my mind wonder. and im still trying to be friends with her. I dnt mind her boyfriend but i will get over it. She was the friend tht saved me from this guy tht kept trying to get at me. i will get her back as my buddy.
Ash Ev @ 4:30 PM

Ma horrified Dreams.
Yesterday night i had a misery and really upset dream/scene,
I was sitting with a group of friends,chit-chatting, i don't really remember what we discuss 'bout,but i can see a few friends in my dreams, ..& then i was attracted to a guy named 'xxx',he's sitting in a same group with me too,then we chat this chat that,blah,blah,blah. Then i wanted to go to the toilet,i fainted. One of my friend come to me,and said 'oh,are you ok ?' ..Then that guy come to rescue me,he said he would do CPR for me,then i wake up from the faint laughed. [lol,i know this makes nothing sense xD] ..Soon later, a teacher called me to go into his office,i gone into and sat down. He's face was disspointed and mad i guess .. He said " you see,this is called FAIL! This essay is easy but you got 31 marks!'' I was then shocked and speechless. He was really disspointed,then i said i would do the best next time..and i'll prove it to you. He calmed down,then he told me to go out.
When i was out the office,i was upset either. Suddenly one of my group girl shouted at me, ''You think who you are,PRINCESS?!'' another girl shouted, ''Yeah,are you?! ***'' I was shocked then and idk what happened to them and what situation was,i was lost. I said " What? I'm sorry " ..,everyone in my group was like,hated me.They said something hurtful,but i can't remember all of it, soon they ignore me. I remember i was sleeping on my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks,then i woke up. [Just then,what a odd dream,lol]
[I don't actually remember my whole part of dream,but it's really miserable and upset for me]
Tks for reading.
Ash Ev @ 5:50 PM

Introduction 2 =]
hi hi^^ i am Ash. I also a female and im turned 14 a bunch of weeks ago =] i LOVE reading books, playin basketball, softball, and watching movies. My two favorites are Twilight ( *high fives Ev*) and Blood and Chocolate. My fav type of music is romanic, rock, pop, r&b, and sum hip hop. some of the artist i listen to are Yellowcard, Click 5, Taylor Swift, and others. Any movie if fine. Action ones and romantic drama ones are good x3 i love my sister Ev lotz. Awesome buddies ... teehee well i guess thts bout it .. hehe
thxs for readin
PS: sorry Ev i stole the ending idea from you xD
Ash Ev @ 1:56 AM

Introduction =]
Hi readers and my fellow friends , this is ash and ev , this is our un-official blog! =]
We share our stories, funs and joy in here,P.S secrets. =D
Let us introduce our self,starting Angela. Well my names angela,my nicknames ev. I'm a Female & i'm 14 this year.My hobbies are readin' stories book,listening to musics and surfing the net. Hmm and i like listening to R&B, slow musics e.g David Archuleta =o ,romance-action pack movies e.g Twilight! [ I would say this movie is awesome,Jerks would say it sucks =[ ] lulz, J/k [x And i love to eat sushi`s , kenney rogers or w/e it spelled, and cookies ^.^ Mah introduction is this much i guess , hope you guys will understand me more ^-^ . Lawl.
Tks for your time reading. [=
Ash Ev @ 1:55 AM