sis ... i know exactally wht u mean .... i get tht way a lot .. which is why im overloading myself with work now so i dont have to wrry bout it my senor year ..
i feel more at home with my friends ... my bros dnt like me playing video games with them ... im always reading and now im writing a book .. im getting my grades back to wht they used to be and im glad XD
woot woot sis
Ash Ev @ 11:29 AM

I miss .
Sis your most welcome to Malaysia anytime :]
I miss everything in my whole life that i have gone through,
the bittersweetness of everything , inulding the pain the suffer the happiness and sadness that i've been into. And it became history . I wish i could turn back the clock and stop it there , but it's too late for regretness, i guess i shall just continue ma nomal life ^_^ (It's not a poem .. it's just feelings in my head wanting me to just type it out) :]
So back to the topic .. :)
I have holidays for a week and it's gonna over now .. i'm goin' back to my school with my heart sank. Idk why there's a feeling in my mind , when it comes to holiday it's not fun at all, like your gonna miss your buddies and sort of stuff, but when it's over you gonna miss the fun of everything in your home sweet home , and you're lazy to go back . U get what i mean ? lolz anyways ..Just appreciate what you have it now :] 'Cause all of you were very lucky enough to have family & friends to love you in your life .
#Angela .
Ash Ev @ 10:22 PM

aww .. sis i feel really bad for you .. if u told me to guess and tht i know him i would say he was my bro andrew... no joke u just explained my boy perfectly .. um is he your bro??
im not sure but sis i dont want to be mean or anything and change the subject but i have really good news.... i have enough money for me to go to visit you or you could come visit me ... XD
maybe if your parents are alright with it..... we could either have me stay at your place for a bit (sorry but im not old enough to get a hotel room) or you could come stay here =]
maybe if i work a bit harder u could even invite a parent to come with you if u want or i could just go there( sorry again but my mom isnt tht into flying .lol)
+ ash
Ash Ev @ 6:23 PM

Another SummerDay .
Sure ash, why not ? :] ( Actually i got influence & learn all this things by you,sis TQ )
It's March 13, Friday . Yesterday .
I heard on the radio saying ''It's a bad day, unlucky day,everything would go bad,the weather is bad ...etc''
I think they're too addicted to the movie called "Friday 13th'' x]
Another story .. ( I'm not trying to be sarcastic or hurt the person , i just can't stand it)
This is 'bout a boy in my school , he'll nvr grow up , he's annoying , irritating & a perv .
He keep saying vulgar perv words o.o
He's a dork,when he'd change himself ?
When he'd done somethin' wrong, he nvr admit it , THIS IS WHICH I HATE .
He is a public vandalism ..a troublemaker , and he messed up everything , ALL THE TIME .
I do feel casting a spell on him .
Guess who is him ?
Ash Ev @ 8:02 PM

XD im proud of you sis
sis you have a real talent for poetry ... yours is so very good.... you could become a poet when your older... hehe
if you ever pubish a book with your poetry can i have ur autograph XD
Ash Ev @ 4:12 PM